Three Reasons Your Business Needs A Social Media Manager

Within this decade we've seen the business and marketing world take a HUGE turn due to internet and technology. The popularity of businesses advertising via commercials, direct mail, and magazine ads are dwindling. Instead companies are going directly to their target customer utilizing social media platforms such as; Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Content and quality is still KING, but visibility is not far behind if you plan to GROW. Here are three reasons your business needs a Social Media Manager.

1. You Want To Grow

         Visibility is king. Every second people worldwide are googling a new restaurant to try, or suggestions for a new dentist office, or a photographer for their wedding next year. The first thing that pops up is the business website. Second? Their Facebook page! So after a potential customer checks out the website and sees what they're about, they usuallyyyy check out the Facebook. If your social media is not active, poor quality content, or non-extistant, it'll be on to the competitor that catches their eye. They'll look at reviews, content, and look for any connection that makes them think, "I'm in the right place,"  if they like what they see, they'll literally "like" your page and typically find your other platforms to follow and keep up with as well. Wether you get a customer right away or not, you now have a follower who is interested in your product or services., and will share and like your content with their friends You don't want to miss out on gaining that visibility!

A Social Media Manager creates content, schedules post, and interact with your audience to help gan visibility, thus growing your business. Now you just need to stay consistent, which brings me to #2!   

"If your social media is not active, poor quality content, or non-extistant, it'll be on to the competitor that catches their eye."


2. You Do Not Have The Time To Manage It Yourself

Next to visibility, is consistency. Keeping up with social media can be tedious. You have to know WHEN to post, WHAT to post, HOW many times to post, and WHO you are posting for. It is truly a full time job and be very time consuming, especially if you are running a business. This is probably the most common reasons people hire a social media manager. If your business is not consistently visible, people will forget about you. I'll be one to say, social media greatly influences my buying decisions. For example, if I'm on the market for a new pair of jeans, and the company that has been posting about their amazing jeans for the past 3 months is now running a sale, they are far more likely to get my business than the boutique that post once a week that I forgot I even followed. Save the time and invest in a social media manager, the return on investment will be worth it!

"You have to know WHEN to post, WHAT to post, HOW many times to post, and WHO you your posting for. It is truly a full time job, and be very time consuming, especially if you are running a business."


3. You Have Limited Knowledge On Social Media Marketing

Contrary to popular belief, social media management isn't just playing around on twitter and liking pictures. I'm sure all social media managers wish it were that easy. ;) It's extremely strategic. When to post, how often, creating content, and what content to share. The key is understanding your target market, and what THEY want to see. (The next blog post will be all about finding your target market.) If this is not your forte', make it easier on yourself, and do your business a huge favor by hiring a pro. 

"It's extremely strategic. When to post, how often, and what."

It is up to you to decide if your business can benefit from a social media manager, or not. Do your research, know your target market, and research what is working and what isn't working for your competition. 
Happy Socializing! 
***If you are interested in Social Media Management, Trove Branding Consultants, LLC is now accepting new clients. Follow this link for more info!