No Likes? No Problem!

So by now I’m sure you’ve heard that Instagram will be removing “likes.” Personally, we’re very excited about this change for a FEW reasons… but mostly because likes are a vanity number and rarely they reflect on how well a business or brand is ACTUALLY doing (popular doesn't pay bills, okrtt.).

Here are three metrics that will give you a much better idea of how your content is performing.

1) Comments.

This is one you probably guessed. Anyone can scroll and “like” an image. It literally takes no effort. However, when someone comments it shows that you have genuinely gained their attention.

2) Shares

Shares are a metric often overlooked on Instagram. This is a KEY metric because it shows you the type of content your audience is interested in. By going into you insights you can see how many times someone sent your post to someone else.

3) Saves

Like shares, the amount of saves you receive on a post are a good indication of what your audience is interested in seeing. This also means they plan to revisit it.

Engagement is down across the board, but businesses are STILL thriving. Email list are growing, people are building communities, making sales, booking new clients, and transforming lives.

How do you feel about Instagram removing visible “Likes?” Are you excited? Upset? Worried?? Email us back and let us know!

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Speak soon,

The Trove Team